Together, we can shape a future that benefits all


Excellency Shri Narendra Modi ji, Prime Minister of India,


It is an honour to address this esteemed assembly at the Inaugural Leaders’ Session of the 3rd Voice of the Global South Summit. My sincere gratitude to Prime Minister Modi for inviting me to this significant event.


The Voice of the Global South Summit has grown in importance, underscoring its pivotal role in addressing our collective challenges. Nepal deeply appreciates Prime Minister Modi’s leadership in establishing and regularly convening this important platform.


This Summit offers not just dialogue, but a chance for profound reflection and action on sustainable development, global governance, climate change, and international cooperation. Our presence here signifies a collective aspiration for a world where every nation, regardless of size or economic stature, has a voice in shaping our shared destiny.

Nepal is aware on the shifting dynamics of geopolitical landscape and its effects on both regional and global stages. We adhere firmly to the principles of peace, harmony, and shared prosperity. The Global South’s goal extends beyond mere survival; we strive for a flourishing future where all individuals, communities, and nations thrive together in collective prosperity.


We believe each nation in the Global South possesses unique strengths and untapped potential. Embracing South-South cooperation can build solidarity, innovation, and inclusivity, while engaging constructively with the North through triangular cooperation. Nepal remains committed to fostering meaningful dialogue and collaborative solutions, and is confident that together we can build a brighter future for all.


In presenting  Nepal’s voice, we reaffirm our commitment to core values: peace, sustainable development, social justice, and inclusive governance. Our challenges, from climate impacts to economic resilience, are shared with our fellow nations. Democracy, for us, is a promise to uphold every individual’s rights and dignity, that ensures equal access to opportunities and social justice. We pursue a Comprehensive Democracy that balance progress with justice and sustainability.


Nepal has made significant progress in poverty reduction, focusing on agriculture, agro-processing, tourism, clean energy, and infrastructure, driven by our vision of a “Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali.” We are on track to graduate from Least Developed Country status by 2026, committed to making this transition smooth and sustainable for lasting benefits.


As we advance technologies, especially Artificial Intelligence, we must ensure inclusivity to bridge the global digital divide. Nepal is committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2045 and calls for international support for our climate goals. We are launching the ‘Sagarmatha Sambad’ (Everest Dialogue) as a permanent forum for dialogue soon.


Economic development remains a key priority. We must enhance trade, investment, and innovation while addressing social inequities. The global governance architecture must reflect the aspirations of the Global South at all levels, including LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS.


I am confident this Summit will spark solutions from the Global South’s perspective and rejuvenate multilateral institutions for a sustainable future.  Let us embrace this moment with determination to drive meaningful change. Nepal stands ready to deepen cooperation and partnership in this transformative journey.


Together, we can shape a future that benefits all.


Thank you!

(Remarks by the Rt. Hon’ble Mr. K P Sharma Oli, Prime Minister of Nepal At the 3rd Voice of Global South Summit 17 August 2024)

